Mine Safety Associates, LLC
Desk Reference 1-199
30 CFR 1-199
Our Desk References are republications of the Government Printing Office's 30 CFR with four very important improvements.
1. Larger Print - The GPO's edition has 6" x 9" pages. Our pages are 7 1/2" x 10 1/2", making the text 25% larger and easier to read.
2. Only what you need - We publish 3 different editions: one for the total mining industry, one for the coal mining industry, and one for the metal and nonmetal mining industry.
3. Indexed - Beginning with the 2008 Edition we are including our copyrighted indexes: one for the Administrative Regulations, one for Coal Mine Health and Safety Regulations, and one for Metal and Nonmetal Health and Safety Regulations.
4. Spiral-bound - Also beginning with the 2008 Edition, we are giving the option of paperback or spiral-bound.